UPDATE -- 28 MARCH 2019
There are only four (4) rooms remaining available at $154.00 a night at:
La Quinta Inn & Suites
7115 Coastal Palms Blvd, Panama City Beach, FL 32408
Must mention MDV Reunion to get this rate.
On April 09, 2019, the rack rate of $189 goes into effect and the $154 a night is no longer available for the MDV Reunion
UPDATE -- 13 MARCH 2019
MDV Ret Joe Gray has been working hard trying to get additional available lodging for the MDV Reunion. He was successful in scoring eight (8) rooms at La Quinta.
So, there are rooms available at $154.00 a night at:
La Quinta Inn & Suites
7115 Coastal Palms Blvd, Panama City Beach, FL 32408
Must mention MDV Reunion to get this rate.
A couple of weeks ago I had a phone conversation with Ret. MDV Joe Gray and he wanted me to pass along to you all that the MDV REUNION IS STILL ON FOR MAY 11, 2019, AT THE USUAL PLACE IN PANAMA CITY BEACH, FL.
The letter Joe sent out several mpnthys ago is below under "Invite". Again, this year there is no charge for MDVs and their spouse or significant other. Everyone else pays $25. All the info you need is in the flyer.
There is NO APPLICATION FORM to complete. If you want a T-shirt, let Joe know. Send all checks to Joe.
Date: 11 May 2019 Time: 1000 a.m. until ?
Place: CSS Marina, Panama City Beach, FL Picture Time: 1330
All Master Divers are cordially invited to the twelfth biennial Master Diver Reunion. Visit old friends, talk of days gone by and just have an enjoyable day with fellow shipmates. Food and refreshments will be free again for all Master Divers and their spouses or significant other. All other family members and friends will still have to pay $25.00 for food and drinks. Arm Bands will be required to receive Food and/or Beverages and will be available from me at the reunion. Please make checks payable to Joe Gray and mail it to the following address; 314 Prudence Ln., Panama City Beach, FL 32408 -5540, NLT. 15 April 2019. If you have any questions call 850-258-7353 or E-Mail me at [email protected]. We plan to do a Tolling of the Bell Ceremony for our shipmates who have passed on. Our last reunion covered many of our deceased shipmates so if you know of anyone else who has passed on please let us know so that we can honor them at our ceremony.
If you know of any other Master Divers that I have missed inviting to our reunion, please invite them and give them my apologies. We have tried to locate everyone so that they know what is going on, but you know how that goes. Also, if you have any thing that you would like to see or have at our reunion please let us know so we may implement it.
We will be purchasing MDV reunion shirts and group pictures again so if you want one or more of these fine souvenirs just enclose $12.00 ea. for the number of shirts and size you would like and $10.00 for each group picture. Make check payable to Joe Gray and mail to the above address. Please order now if you want one as, "No shirts will be mailed"
If you have not received a complete listing of the Master Divers names and addresses, please let me know and I will send you one. If you know of one of our shipmates that is not on our list, please send me their address and phone number, if they don't mind, and I will add them to our list.
Hotel Info:
Keep an eye on the Divers Web Site for more information on our host hotel, La Quinta Inn & Suites as they have yet to get back to me with hotel rates. Ph# is 850-234-3133. Also, Joni's Beach rental at 800-830-1433 is available if you want something right on the Beach.
Navy Base: Navy Gateway Inns and Suites. For room reservations call 850-588-0753. They will only let you reserve 30 days before our Reunion. You’re on your own with these folks.
Base Marina Info: You can now reserve your Cabin/RV Camp-site one year in advance, but you must mention the Master Diver Reunion. If you are in need of a campsite for an RV call 850-234-4402 (option #2), the Marina on base has two nice camping areas. Also, they have Cabins (No Pets) you can rent by calling 850-234-4402 (option #5). P.O.C. is Rob. Note: You MUST reference the Master Diver Reunion!
Diver WebSite: www.navydivers.net
P.S. Friday evening there will be some early beverages and munchies starting at 1700 at the Marina for those who come into town early.
See you there, Joe Gray
As a reminder to ALL MDVs attending, update your mailing address, phone numbers and email addresses when you sign in. This is important for Joe to have to send out the letters and additioinal information for MDVs.