U. S. Veteran Compensation Programs
I realized the previous links I had on this page were not always good links. Therefore, I decided to revise this page to reflect a very reliable website that contains ALL U. S. Compensation Programs.
I am certain the link http://www.veteranprograms.com which will take you to "U. S. Veteram Compensation Programs", will be much more beneficial than the previous links which did not always work.
According to the website, U S. Veteran Compensation Programs is the first unique web site dedicated to helping U. S. veterans discover benefits they have earned.
The website contains complete details about service-connected compensation issues and important updates as they occur.
The site also provides services that help veterans gain quick and easy access to vital Veterans Administration departments
Incidentally, credit goes to where credit is due and, in this case, the credit goes to Tony "Doc" Thomas who sent me the website.
You can also go to the U. S. Department of Veterans Affairs link http://www.benefits.va.gov/benefits/ which is the official U. S. Government site for Veterans Benefits.

Commonly Used Links
1. Navy, U., U.S. Navy Diving Manual Rev 7A. US Naval Sea Systems Command.
2. I, E., et al., Cerebral white-matter lesions in asymptomatic military divers. Aviat Space Environ Med. , 2009. 80(1): p. 2-4.
3. Coco, M., et al., Cognitive Deficits and White Matter Alterations in Highly Trained Scuba Divers. Front Psychology, 2009. Oct(Oct 22).
4. MH, S., et al., Investigation of Brain Impairment Using Diffusion-Weighted and Diffusion Tensor Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Experienced Healthy Divers. Med Sci Monit, 2018. 17(24): p. 8279-8289.
U.S. Veteran Compensation Programs: http://www.veteranprograms.com
U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs: http://www.va.gov
U.S. Navy & Coast Guard Ships in Vietnam - Public Health: http://www.publichealth.va.gov/exposures/agentorange/shiplist/index.asp
Mesothelioma Website -- www.mesotheliomaguide.com/veterans/
VA Clothing Allowance for Disabled Veterans: https://www.va.gov/disability/eligibility/special-claims/clothing-allowance/
Mark V Monument Project: http://www.markvmonument.org
Navy Divers Association https://navydivers.org/scholarship
Nursing Home Abuse website http://www.nursinghomeabuseguide.org
Substance abuse help: https://www.help.org/substance-abuse-rehab-for-veterans/
Veteran Dental Support https://www.newmouth.com/oral-health/effects/military/
Cerebral Palsy https://www.
RAO Bulletin 1 Nov 21: http://www.nhc-ul.org/
RAO Bulletins http://veteraninformationlinksasa.com/emos-rao.html [PDF & HTML Editions w/ Attachments]
United States Navy - Navy Diver Information http://www.navy.com/careers/special-operations/diver.html
Office of the Director of Ocean Engineering, Supervisor of US Navy Diving & Salvage: http://www.supsalv.org/
Tests and Evaluates for US Navy Diving: http://www.supsalv.org/nedu/nedu.htm
Dive California Dive Shop in San Diego http://www.divecalifornia.com
UDT-SEAL Association: www.udtseal.org
Doc Riojas Seal TWO www.sealtwo.org
Underwater Swimmers Association: www.uwss.org
U. S. Coast Guard Auxilliary, Brookings, OR: http://a1300506.uscgaux.info/index.htm
Ocean Technology Systems: www.oceantechnologysystems.com
Divers' Gifts and Collectibles, "Gifts for divers who think they have everything"" www.diversgifts.com
MiniROV System LBV and Hybrid ROV/Crawler: www.seabotix.com
Diver's Recall Website: www.diversrecall.org
DCI - Dive Commercial International: www.divecommercial.com
Man In The Sea Museum, Panama City Beach, FL: www.maninthesea.org
Mobile Riverine Force Association: www.mrfa.org
Veterans-run Work: www.vrhabilis.com
VA DISABILITY APPEALS: VA Disability Appeals | Veterans Guide
HeavyMetal Divers - "Gladiator" Diving Helmets www.heavymetaldivers.com
Veteran Business Ideas -- Veteran Guide To Starting And Owning A Business http://www.commercialcapitaltraining.com/business-resources/business-ideas/veteran-business-ideas/
"In Repose - Diving on the USS Arizona with the National Park Service" Author - MM1/SW/DV Ret Brian O'Connor [email protected]
"Defender Dolphins - The Story of Project Short Time". A Brief History of the U.S. Navy's First Marine Mammal Swimmer Defense System. Author - Dr. Harold "Hal" W. Goforth, Jr., CAPT., USN, Ret
Best Publishing Company: www.bestpub.com
"SEALAB" America's Forgotten Quest to Live and Work on the Ocean Floor by Ben Hellwarth http://books.simonandschuster.com/Sealab/Ben-Hellwarth/9780743247450
"The Silent Front" -- Tales of Our Navy Salvage Divers -- Author is Paul Schenk -- About WW2 salvage divers -- http://www.blurb.com/my/book/detail/4314369-the-silent-front
"Medical Diver - What is a Medical Diver" by Len Starbeck USN/HMC/DV/IDC Ret. What on earth is a medical diver? Someone who practices medicine underwater? Leonard Starbeck served for over 28 years in the U.S. Navy and Marines, and in this fascinating memoir he answers that very question. Follow along as he tells stories of his many adventures travelling the world as an Independent Medical Diver (DMT/IDC) and a tactical medic, and more recently as a surgical nurse and Merchant Marine Medical Service Officer. https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/medical-diver-len-starbeck/1139885675 or https://www.amazon.com/Medical-Diver-What/dp/173590760X/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=Medical+Diver%3A+What+is+a+Medical+Diver%3F&qid=1631748846&sr=8-1